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Our Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly staff who make VisualEyes Optique a proud provider of vision care products and services in Malvern.

Christy Woolston

Photo of Optician ChristyChristy is the optician at Visual Eyes Optique in Malvern, PA. She has over ten years of experience in the optical industry and has a bachelor’s degree in fine art.

Christy has worked as both an optician and an optical manager. She helps fit eyeglasses and advises customers on which styles of eyewear suit their needs. Christy also has a breadth of knowledge about different types of lenses and vast experience working with vision insurance companies. The best part of Christy’s job is helping patients find the ideal frame.

When not at work Christy spends time with her husband, Rob, and their two children Sarah and Benjamin. They enjoy going to the beach, attending Phillies games, and vacationing in the mountains.

Andrea Bruderle

Andrea is the office manager at Visual Eyes Optique in Malvern, PA. After a career in education, Andrea joined Visual Eyes Optique in February of 2022.

On any given day, Andrea is involved in scheduling appointments, greeting patients, completing contact lens orders and making sure the office is running smoothly. Behind her quick smile and bubbly personality, her professionalism blossomed. Andrea quickly displayed that expert time management and attention to detail go hand in hand with excellent customer service. The best part of her job is getting to know our patients.

Originally from New York, Andrea resides in Malvern just minutes from the office with her husband, Steve, and their two children Ryan and Patrick. She enjoys attending many school activities in Great Valley and is looking forward to Penn State visits this fall. Andrea enjoys going to the shore, exploring new places, and spending time with family and friends.